Stick Figures For Yoga Postures:
I compiled these drawings to make it easier for people to practice at home.
I often hear from students that when they get home, they can't remember what to do.
Print these drawings out and keep them with your yoga mat.
When you're ready to practice, look at these for inspirations and ideas for creating your own practice.
I hope they are useful for you.

Warm Up Ideas
Sun Salutation sequences (page 1 of 2)
Sun Salutation sequences (page 2 of 2)
Standing Poses
Balancing Poses
Arm Balances
Abdominal Poses
Inversions / Inverted Poses
Backbends / Backbending Poses
Hip Openers / Hip Opening Poses
Forward Folds / Forward Extension Poses
Twists / Twisting Poses
Restorative Poses
Savasana Options


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Updated May 9, 2017