Yoga Links:
My Venerable Yoga Teacher:
Kofi Busia
My Local Yoga Friends (and fellow teachers):
Jane Freedman
Karen Zelin
Robin Penney
Laurie Broderick-Burr
Karyn Bristol
Talya Lutzker
Phoenix Artemisia
Locations Where I Teach:
Yoga Within (Aptos)
Urban Sanctuary (Portola Dr.)
Santa Cruz Area Yoga Centers (where I don't teach):
Yoga Center Santa Cruz (downtown SC)
Nourish (downtown SC)
Pacific Cultural Center (Seabright area)
Body & Soul (downtown SC)
Pleasure Point Yoga (Eastside)
Yoga Resources & Online Yoga Communities:
Kofi Busia’s Site
My teacher, Kofi, has a lot of great resources – including his wonderful translation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (also with audio, so you can hear them in Sanskrit), and traditional Mantras and Invocations (both written and audio).
Yoga Journal's website has a host of information about individual poses, practice sequences for home, sequences for specific conditions (ie. low back, pregnancy, tight hamstrings, etc). It's a great resource!
Yoga International
Another totally amazing online resource -- with a library of photos and information about individual poses, sequences for home practice and specific conditions, and yoga philosophy and more. One of my favorite online resources.
Dharma Mitra Yoga Asana Photo Gallery
A wonderful and comprehensive photo gallery of many, many yoga poses -- as done by the fabulous Dharma Mitra himself.
Ashtanga Yoga Terminology
Geared toward Astanga, but offers a nice breakdown of the Sanskrit names for yoga poses
Asana Index
Very thorough illustrated index of postures... with names in English and Sanskrit.
Joy Of Yoga
Excellent selection of sequencing ideas for home practice.